Tianjin's export RCEP benefits increased by 23% in the first 11 months of 2023

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新闻资讯 China News Network 2023-12-07 17:22:10 46

Tianjin, December 4th (Reporter Zhang Qiang) - According to Tianjin Customs, from January to November 2023, Tianjin Customs issued 4700 RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) certificates of origin for export enterprises in Tianjin, a year-on-year increase of 23%, involving a value of 1.88 billion yuan, helping to enhance the market competitiveness of export products among RCEP members.

Tianjin Qiande Food Co., Ltd. is a production enterprise that processes Pickled vegetables mainly with radish, cucumber, cabbage and other raw materials through the combination of traditional technology and modern technology. It is also a well-known exporter of salted fruits and vegetables in Tianjin. "This year, by using the RCEP certificate of origin, our exported cherry blossom stains, sesame stains and other products enjoy a 2% tariff discount, and the tariff rate is reduced every year, which makes foreign customers very happy." Liu Lina, General Manager of Qiande Food Company, introduced.

Over the past year since the implementation of RCEP, Tianjin Customs has actively implemented the requirements of the "Ten Actions" for high-quality development in Tianjin, and carried out the "Precision Assistance" special action in key enterprises in the jurisdiction. They have established a list of preferential tariffs for key products, a list of key supporting enterprises, and a "one-on-one" assistance plan; Select customs business experts as grid personnel to conduct on-site visits to key import and export enterprises, explain tariff preferential policies to enterprise leaders, and compare tariff rate differences among RCEP member countries based on specific export products. Carefully guide enterprises in conducting origin determination and online declaration of origin certificates, and promote convenient measures such as self-service printing and "intelligent review" of origin certificates to help enterprises further reduce visa costs.

"Up to now, our company has applied for more than 120 certificates of origin from customs. Customs' self-service printing and other measures have helped us save transportation, mailing and other costs by tens of thousands of yuan. Customers have also enjoyed more than 90000 yuan of import country tariff preferential treatment on the certificates, and both of us have received real benefits." Liu Lina said, "The continuous growth of foreign trade orders has further boosted our confidence in exploring new markets."

In June 2023, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement came into full force in 15 signatory countries. Since 2023, export enterprises in Tianjin have continuously improved their understanding and utilization of tariff policies, with a year-on-year increase of 10.1% in enterprises applying for RCEP certificates of origin from customs. In addition, Tianjin Customs actively improves the functions of the Tianjin RCEP tariff policy comprehensive service platform, establishes a RCEP service window, fully cultivates approved exporters, further optimizes various convenient service measures, and continuously releases the dividends of RCEP tariff policy.